Friday, November 27, 2015

The Heart Locker, Jeremy Lee Renner!

Here it goes, the time of Jeremy Renner! Thank for my husband who  "accidentally" erased the full episode of 21 Jump Street (and It was the 1980's edition!). The sign for add no more collection of Johnny Depp. So, i move my attention to The Heart Locker Jeremy Renner. Hahahaha...

It takes so long for me to pay a full attention on Renner. Finally one day i really like this cute badass actor. The Hurt Locker, S.W.A.T, Hensel and Gretel, The Avangers, American Hustle, MI 5 : Ghost Protocol, MI 6 : Rogue Nation, and my favorite one : Bourne Legacy. 

These are the recommendation movie of Renner based on The Guardian : 

1. North Country (2005)
2. The Hurt Locker (2008)
3. The Town (2010) 
4. Neo Ned (2005) 
5. The Dahmer (2002)

Okay Hawkeye, i will hunt those films and off course dig more about your drama life. Hahaha... 

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