Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Valentine Choholate

Today is a yummy thursday. All of the kindergarten class made a chocolate for sensory lesson. Andddd... this is it!It is easy to do. We spend Rp21.000 for the ingredients (Rp13.000 for the Coklata White Chocolate, Rp4.000 for the chocolate wafer, Rp3.000 for the sprinkle). This is the step :
1. Chop the wafer with your own style
2. Melt the chocolate by using a hot water for around 4 minutes. If you want, you can put some food colored to the melting chocolate,
3. Put the melting chocolate at the top of wafer.
4. Give a sprinkle as a garnish.

This is really really a fun cooking time (because they're only 8 people in the class :P ). Some student looked afraid to try but finally got addicted. Xixixixi.. We used the fan to dry up the chocolate. After the chocolate harden, we put them on our handmade box. Then, our chocolate's becoming like this :
The chocolate is ready ^__^

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nadianya Ms. Evi & Ms. Evinya Nadia :D

This question was spinning out in my mind. Does Nadia Lovina Kumoro represent me, or Evi Panjaitan represents her? :D I dunno! All that I knew, she is my totally best friend, little assistant, strenght, warrior princess, big pillow, sharing partner, and I really loooovee her :* hug hug hug

"Ah Nadia itu mah Ms. Evi banget!" Said Nadia's mother at Kids Fun Yogyakarta.
"Ckckckck... Nadia emang jiplakannya kamu. Ato kebalikannya ya?" Said Ruben to me a several day ago.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Match Up with My Pay.. mushaboom.. mushaboom

I am not a trained one but I always do my best to do everthing entrusted to me. I come to anykind of field with nothing. Just me my self. I learn from experience and experiment then combine them with one huge thing, strong will! I am willing to give more than I have to make them done.

I face human in my daily life. So I know for exactly that a half hearted will end with nothing. I have a vision to help human being a humane human. Once again, I am willing to give more than I have to make them done.

Suddenly I remember Feist. A French singer (maybe). In her song, Mushaboom, she said "maybe it is until the day my dream will match up with my pay". Hehehe... I smile everytime I listen to this song. Then I look to my self. Hahahaha.. I think my vision robs my life. Some people said that I sacrifice manything with my lifestyle. My friend used to tell that I think about other people more than my life, my personal life. It seem that I used to spend almost the whole 24 hour for changing someone else life. But not my life. I am neglecting my personal life. Actually I never care about my own life. I never care about the pay. I never care about how difficult the situation I face. I never care about my saving acount. I never care about what will I eat, I wear, and I have in this life. Never ever! My family should complain how stupid I am. Some friend should complain how dumb I am. The other should complain why I neglect them. It's okay! That is totally your right..

I don't know who give me this strong will. Yes, I am tired but I can't change my vision about life. No one can! No money can match up with my vision. Not even a billion. Appreciation is so much better. One simple kiss -from someone who is able to change his or her world- is more precious than the blink-blink things.

Thank you guys!

Sang Alkemis di Hujan Senja

Katanya, jika kau benar-benar menginginkan sesuatu maka semesta akan membantumu untuk mendapatkannya. Saya tertegun. Andaikan Sang Alkemis tiba-tiba datang tepat di depanku dan bertanya, apakah kau sudah benar-benar menginginkan hal itu?

Tiba-tiba saya ingin menjadi burung onta yang bisa memasukan kepalanya ke lubang tanah. Atau mungkin menjadi Kevin, The Bird Beast from Paradise Fall, yang gemar menyembunyikan badan raksasanya di balik badan si bocah Pramuka Russel.

Ah sudah-sudah! Mari kembali saja ke Rectoverso.. Cicak-cicak di Dinding..

*epoy the coelho mania*

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ayundiva Lituhayu Puteri

"Miss... Kapan sih Diva pulang?"

Diva is our bestfriend. (Hehehe... I treat all student in Kindergarten 1 as a bestfriend than a student). In our mind, she is the only a real-girl in the class. Xixixi... I have 4 more buddies in K1 beside Diva. Another 3 student are boy and the other is a warrior princess.

We met Diva on the beginning of June 2011. She was a very calm and super sensitive girl. Kind of a "putri solo" one! Diva gave a totally different air to the nursery class, the boyish class. :)

She was 3.5 year when I decided to put her on the upper class. Yes she is the youngest but Diva has an amazing brain. All I have to do is stabilizing her emotional side. Day by day, week by week, month by month, Diva was getting better and better. She is being a sunshine for us. This Vita Jelly lover is really good at stage performance, self confident, and also the cognitive war of K1. I love her, the girls like her, and the boys always talking and figthing to get the attention of this beautiful young lady.

January 2012, Diva's father finally finished his Master Degree in Gajah Mada University. Diva's family decided to go back to Jekardah. I feel so sad! The other parents do. I cried when I made the farewell card for Diva. A little farewell greeting party is worse! We're laughing to hide the tears. And at the end, I can't hold on! It's a sad momment on the beginning of 2012.

One month passed, the class still felt strange without Diva. No more fight to get Diva's attention. No more sharing jelly time. No more bandana time. But the student forbid me to get away Diva's stuffs from the K1 class. They force me to put Diva's eraser, sharpener, attendance card, etc on the corner. They said: "Ini punyanya Diva miss. Taro di sini aja. Jadi kalo Diva pulang bisa tetep kerjain worksheet di K1. Diva kapan ya miss pulangnya. Lama banget sih ke jakartanya.."

Wuaaaaaaaaaaa...... Yes my dear, I miss Diva too :(

Tung Hitung Hitung

5 + 2 = ....

Ketika melihat soal seperti ini, beberapa anak K1 yang baru pertama kali belajar addition dan subtraction biasanya langsung menggunakan jari tangan untuk mencari jawabannya.Mereka baru kebingungan ketika soal dan jawaban mencapai dua digit angka. Secara mereka itu abosultely normal and that's mean they only have 10 fingers. So... my senior remind me to teach them how to do the addition and subtraction task.

Example :
5 + 2 = ....
five in my mind and two on my finger. After 5 is 6, 7. So, five plus two equals to seven.

12 + 5 = ...
twelve in my mind and 5 on my finger. After 12 is 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. So twelve plus five equals to seventeen.

8 - 2 = ...
Eight in my mind and two on my finger. Before 8 is 7, 6. So eight minus two equals to six.

I need two week to change their habit when couting the addition and subtraction. I found a little bit difficulties because the parent used to count with the convensional style. Hehehe.... Now we are entering the second week. Hope my sunshines are being better and beter.

PS : The counting train is a helpful things!