Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Di Pasar Senen

Siang itu pasukan Markas Besar Blok KK No. 6 berkunjung ke Pasar Senen. Namanya juga pasar, di sana penuh dengan orang-orang yang auranya menurutku seperti dementor! Hehe.. Clingak-clinguk, ternyata ada Es Teler 77. Aku selamat!

Aku ajak bapak duduk-duduk di sana sambil tunggu Mama, Era, Andi, Rina, dan Eliza berburu barang incaran mereka. Bapak biasanya memang malas ikutan belanja. Energinya si mama emang dahsyat banget kalau lagi di tempat macam Pasar Senen atau Pasar Baru. Jago banget dia berburu barang bagus dengan harga miring.

Es Teler 77 ini konon adalah salah satu surganya minuman yang pakai alpukat. Bapak minum Es Teler. Aku pilih menjajal minuman aneh yang memadukan kopi dan alpukat (sungguh rasanya gak cocok di perutku). Untung makanannya masih tetap sama.

Kami makan dan minum dalam keheningan yang bising. Damn, rasa ini datang lagi! Rasa kikuk ketika cuma berdua saja sama bapak. Kehabisan materi omongan hanya dalam 2 menit pertama. Tapi sudahlah, kali ini aku tak ambil pusing. Aku sudah bahagia amat sangat bisa bertatap muka dengan pria pertama dalam hidupku itu. Sehat-sehat ya pak!

Boru Panggoaranmu,
Evi Panjaitan

N.B : Sembah syukurku kepada Telkomsel. Bonus poin pembayaran langganan SATU TAHUN kuhabiskan dalam sekejab di Es Teler 77.

Together with You

Since you are yin to my yang..

I'm still practicing my pond pudding with the fish decoration. So, this is the newest result. I called it "Together with You". Ruben said the fishes look like a ying yang combination. I like them.

Ingredients :
1/2 sachet Agar Rasa by Nutrijell
1/2 sachet Nutrijell Balanced Color with Soursop flavor
2 tablespoons sweetened creamer (me : Carnations)
100 grams Sugar
900 millilitres water
Pasta (melon, bubblegum, raspberry, & orange flavors)
Basil seeds (biji selasih) or chia seeds

Tools :
Jelly mold (fish shape)
Plate (with the round shape)
Bowl (smaller than plate)
Pastry brush/ cottonbud

Steps :
1. Make the milk pudding by using Agar rasa, creamer, 1/4 portion of sugar, and 450 ml water.
2. Put a few milk in to fish jelly mold and let them get harden in a temperature room.
3. Put 1-2 drop bubblegum paste into the rest of milk pudding to make a blue pond. Wait until 5 minutes and then put a bowl right in the middle. Use a glass or anything to make the bowl sink but not too deep. Make it sure the pond has a round bottom. Wait until the pond get harden.
4. Make a clear jelly for the water of the pond. Use Nutrijell, water, and sugar.
5. While waiting jelly has no steam, take the fishes away from the mold. Put basil seeds as their eyes. Give colors on the top of the fishes by using orange & raspberry paste (because I use the Koi shape).
5. Take the bowl from the plate. Put the fish as you want. Put the jelly into the pond. Wait until the 'water' get harden. For the final touch, I brush the edge of pudding with the green (melon) paste. Tadaa... It's done! Bon Appetite!

Cherished the life!
Evi Panjaitan

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Chapter of Jelly Art

Finally, i step in to the world of jelly art. These are my newbie masterpieces.

Evi Panjaitan