"Apa kabar ekbis hari ini?"... Pertanyaan yg kerap muncul di telinga gw belakangan ini. Makin sering terlontar sejak sindo ngadain FGD di Panghegar pas Kamis kemarin. Narsum yg dateng emang banyakan orang ekonomi. Ada orang Kadin (including Dodi Sapake yg pernah gw profilin). Sayang bukan Iwan Hanafi ga dtg. Emang sih pas waktu itu kadin jabar jg ngadain pertemuan ngeyayay ama kadin tiongkok (kali ini gw kaga kejebak, boiii..). Dari BI yg dtg Lukman. Hmmm..coba kalo gw dtg, pasti yg dateng Hernawan duongss...[cling-cling! *mata bkedip2 dgn genitnya]. Pimpinan BI bdg kaga dtg. Eiya Soegiarto udah diganti ama sapa gitu, namanya ga rada aneh gitulah.
Trus ada juga Herman Muchtar. Bisa dibilang kalo herman yg paling semangat. Sehari sebelumnya udah rame nanya jadi apa ngga. Sebenernya gw kelabakan sih soalnya jujur kagak tau apa2. Waktu si cantik Restina Panghegar ngobrol pas preskon Pasar Kaget Wisata, gw malah cengo waktu dikasih tau soal acara tgl 26/4 yg kagak jadi. Ah gitulah, penyakit sindo dari dulu kan soal K.O.O.R.D.I.N.A.S.I muluw.
Intinya, di FGD itu desk gw yg paling dapet sorotan. Kata mereka, halaman eksbis sindo ga ubahnya kaya halaman press rilis. Isinya iklan semua. Plak-plak-plak.... tamparan pertama! Secara gitu, dari dulu tuh gw takut bgt jadi congor.
Duh susah bgt emang sih. Nyari berita di ekonomi kan rada pake perjuangan. Gw juga ga tau kok dulu bisa survive di ekonomi walo sekarang pas gw liat lg, gile...basi bgt dah beritanya. Ngakak bgt waktu sadar tnyata gw duduls berat. [hmm..duhai jule, pasti waktu itu lo pasti empet setengah mati ama gw].
Lepas di ekonomi, gw mulai mbiasakan diri jd tukang kritik dada rosada. Satu setengah tahun di pemkot bikin gw rada jago jd oposan sok ahli. Orang2 di sekeliling gw pun ngedukung jd lawannya pemerintah & [sekali2] dewan. Hmm..kangen berat liputan ama lina, faiq, fajar, uciem, lilis, teh ari, dan nino tentunya!
Tiba2 Jule pergi dan gw balik ke habitat awal.. ngurusin duit lagee! Rada culture shock lagi..wueks bahasanya. Ah pokoknya gitu. Ini lebih dari sekedar pemikiran negatif nino tentang ekonomi. [lagian itu mah betenya dia aja gara2 di tempo ga ada rubrik ekonomi jabar makanya maki2 ekonomi mulu tyuch]. Sekarang gw stress ndiri saban hari bikin berita si ini meluncurkan itu, si itu mengalami pertumbuhan segini, si ini itu kerjasama bwt acara itu ini, dan sejenisnya yg ga bgt pokoknya.
Gw juga ga suka kali tp gw bingung mo kritis itu dari sebelah mana. Nah kalo lg dlm kondisi ky gini Reni diperlukan. Hihihi, serasa watchdognya para dogi yg suka watch-watch. Khakhakha bahasanya ga bgt.. Untung bgt lg masih ada orang-orang kaya kang ivan, kang yudi, jule, ama... hmm sapa lagi ya. Oiya Ivan Keylight jg oke loh. Td gw sebelahan ama dia pas peluncuran Fortis Equitra Amanah di Hyatt dan wow tnyata beliau yg mukanya selalu gw bilang mirip ama Mas Bay itu jago soal finance...
Ih kok jd ngolor-ngidul gini sih. Gw kan pgn ngomong soal hasil FGD. Jadi kalo kata pakar2 itu, halaman gw itu kurang ngebahas soal sektor riil. Bagian paling gampang yg tp emang jadi anak tiri gini. Abisan, roaming boiiii!!
Jadi saudara-saudara intinya adalah SEKTOR RIIIIIIIILLLLLLL..!! Gw kangen liputan jurnalistik yg sebenarnya tp tetap weh kudu perkuat SEKTOR RIL ceuk nu laen mah. Sapa tau bs bwt gw yg lagi depresi-sedepresinya inih bangun kembali...
Hahahaha..saya masih ambreqq nih. Tidak bergairah pdhl kan catherine zeta jones jd kuat gara2 nyontoh saya. Khakhakhakhakkkk...
Udah ah mo ke detik dulu. Bakar2 ikan yg katanya masih beku di freezer. Dudulss..!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
[Another] Foolish Game [of Malam]
You took your coat off and stood in the rain,
You were always crazy like that
I watched from my window
always felt I was outside looking in on you
You were always the mysterious one
with dark eyes and careless hair,
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
You were always crazy like that
I watched from my window
always felt I was outside looking in on you
You were always the mysterious one
with dark eyes and careless hair,
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
besides some comment on the weather
in case you failed to notice,
in case you failed to see,
This is my heart bleeding before you,
This is me down on my knees
These foolish games are tearing me apart
Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You were always brilliant in the morning
Smoking your cigarettes, talking over coffee
Your philosophies on art, Baroque moved you,
You loved Mozart and you'd speak of your loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
Smoking your cigarettes, talking over coffee
Your philosophies on art, Baroque moved you,
You loved Mozart and you'd speak of your loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn,
Somebody more like myself
Somebody who gave a damn,
Somebody more like myself
These foolish games are tearing me apart
Your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You took your coat off and stood in the rain
you were always crazy like that............
Thursday, April 17, 2008
To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I didn't think could be real
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, Utopian dream..
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said "I miss you"?
I see your picture
I smell your skin on
The empty pillow next to mine
You have only been gone ten days
But already I'm wasting away
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon
But I need you to know that I care,
And I miss you..
Is a gift I didn't think could be real
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, Utopian dream..
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said "I miss you"?
I see your picture
I smell your skin on
The empty pillow next to mine
You have only been gone ten days
But already I'm wasting away
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon
But I need you to know that I care,
And I miss you..
Lagi Pengen Sendiri...
Serius, hari ini saya kesal sekali. Ingin rasanya mengetok kepalanya orang2 yang bikin saya gemes... Dimulai dari masalah rendezvous. Semalem tuh Yovan bilang ke gw kalo stok rendezvous dah menipis dan hari ini sebenernya ada yg bahan yg bisa digarap.
Itu tuh acaranya BII di Tomodachi. Mereka bwt semacam undian yang hadiahnya nonton F1 Singaporean Racing pas 27-28 September besok. Wuih keren bgt dah pasti Singapur ntar. Kebayang aja, jalan raya diitutup dan dirubah jadi sirkuit balapan malam. Serasa kaya Torque pastinya...
Yah sebenernya sih itu acara preskon hungkul tp kan bisa aja dijadiin rendezvous. Kayanya ga perlu deh ngejelasin slogan "dimana ada lebih dari tiga orang berkumpul di situlah ada bahan bwt rendezvous" ke pemain lama. Saya kesaall sekali tetapi ga tega juga marah ke orang itu. Soalnya di situ dia bilang kalo dia lagi pengen nikmatin birunya langit dengan cara dia sendiri. Yah sudahlah saya ngemil sebanyak2nya biar ga ketauan manyunnya... dan anak2 pun berteriak "Ayo vi, masa kalah ama Bayu..." Plisss deeeeeehhh!!!
Arghhhh saya kesaaaaaaalllllll... Saking kesalnya saya tuh yah ampe kabur dari kantor padahal piket. Ngikut anak2 yg pgn jenguk Kang Denimul. Kasian, dia ternyata kena stroke. Dodolnya lagi, gw tau malah dari orang laen coba. Huiks maafkan aku kang deni... Tp busyet deh rumahnya jauh bgt. Kalo kata jule mah serasa bade ka Purwakarta ajah.
Ah sudahlah saya mau nongkrong di Nasi Kalong. Semoga lagi ga anak2 yg nongkrong di situh..
Itu tuh acaranya BII di Tomodachi. Mereka bwt semacam undian yang hadiahnya nonton F1 Singaporean Racing pas 27-28 September besok. Wuih keren bgt dah pasti Singapur ntar. Kebayang aja, jalan raya diitutup dan dirubah jadi sirkuit balapan malam. Serasa kaya Torque pastinya...
Yah sebenernya sih itu acara preskon hungkul tp kan bisa aja dijadiin rendezvous. Kayanya ga perlu deh ngejelasin slogan "dimana ada lebih dari tiga orang berkumpul di situlah ada bahan bwt rendezvous" ke pemain lama. Saya kesaall sekali tetapi ga tega juga marah ke orang itu. Soalnya di situ dia bilang kalo dia lagi pengen nikmatin birunya langit dengan cara dia sendiri. Yah sudahlah saya ngemil sebanyak2nya biar ga ketauan manyunnya... dan anak2 pun berteriak "Ayo vi, masa kalah ama Bayu..." Plisss deeeeeehhh!!!
Arghhhh saya kesaaaaaaalllllll... Saking kesalnya saya tuh yah ampe kabur dari kantor padahal piket. Ngikut anak2 yg pgn jenguk Kang Denimul. Kasian, dia ternyata kena stroke. Dodolnya lagi, gw tau malah dari orang laen coba. Huiks maafkan aku kang deni... Tp busyet deh rumahnya jauh bgt. Kalo kata jule mah serasa bade ka Purwakarta ajah.
Ah sudahlah saya mau nongkrong di Nasi Kalong. Semoga lagi ga anak2 yg nongkrong di situh..
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Inspiring me to fight against racism and violence. Instead of writing d whole part of film, i'd like to share Bobby' speech in d end of film. The part after he got shot by silly boy in Ambassador Hotel LA' kitchen.
Setiap kalimat di pidatonya Bobby terangkai dengan baik. Ga usah dengerin suara dan intonasi orasinya yg sebernernya ga kalah oke aja, gw betah ngebacanya. Apalagi kalo diliatin bersamaan dengan detik-detik penembakan itu, beeehhh... ceurik-ceurik dah maneh! Pantesan Ruben Frederick Knehans bangga bgt punya inisial yg sama dan menjadikan logo RFK sebagai icon dirinya. Hahaha, ben ben... kamu dimana ya?
Check this out!!!
Setiap kalimat di pidatonya Bobby terangkai dengan baik. Ga usah dengerin suara dan intonasi orasinya yg sebernernya ga kalah oke aja, gw betah ngebacanya. Apalagi kalo diliatin bersamaan dengan detik-detik penembakan itu, beeehhh... ceurik-ceurik dah maneh! Pantesan Ruben Frederick Knehans bangga bgt punya inisial yg sama dan menjadikan logo RFK sebagai icon dirinya. Hahaha, ben ben... kamu dimana ya?
Check this out!!!

It's not a day for politics
i have saved this one opportunity
My only event of today to speak briefly to you about the mindless menace of the violence in America, which again stains our land and everyone of our lives.
It's not the concern of any one race. The victim f the violence are black and white, rich and poor, young and old, famous and unknown. They are, mos important of all, human beings whom other human beings loved and needed.
No one, no matter where he lives or what he does, can e certain who next will suffer from some senseless act of bloodshed. And yet, it goes on and on in this country of ours.
Why? What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created?
Whenever any America's life is taken by another American unnecessarily..
Whether it is done in the name of la, or in defiance of the la w by one man or gang, in cod blood or in in a passion, in an attack or violence, or in response to violence...
Whenever we tear at the fabric of our lives...
Which another man has painfully and clumsily woven for himself and his children...
Whenever we do this...
The whole nation is degraded!!
Yet we seemingly tolerate a rising level of violence that ignores our common humanity and our claims to civilization alike.
Too often, we honor swagger and bluster and the wielders of force.
Too often we excuse those who are willing build their own lives on the

But this much is clear : violence breeds violence, repression breeds retaliation, a nd only a cleansing of our whole society can remove this sickness from our souls
From when you teach a man to hate and to fear his brother,
when you teach that he is a lesser man because of his color or his beliefs, or the policies that he pursues,
when you teach that those who differ from you threaten your freedom or your job or home your family,
Then you also learn to confront others not as fellow citizens but as enemies
to be met not with cooperation but with conquest to be subjugated and to be mastered
We learn, at last, to look at our brother as aliens
Alien men with whom we share a city, but not a community
man bound to us in common dwelling, but not in common effort
We learn to share only a common fear
Only a common desire to retreat from each other
only a common impulse to meet disagreement with force

Our lives in this planet are too short
The work to be done is too great to let this spirit flourish any longer in this land of ours
Of course, we cannot banish it with a program nor with a resolution but we can perhaps remember,
if only for a time, that those who live with us are our brother, that they share with us the same short moment of life, that they s eek, as do we, nothing but the chance to live out their lives
in purpose and in happiness,
wining what satisfaction and fulfillment that the can
Surely, this bond of common fate
Surely, this bond of common goals
can begin to teach us something
Surely, we can learn at the least,
to look around at those of us, of our fellow men,
and surely, we can begin to work a little harder
to bind up he woun ds among us
and to become, in our hearts,
brothers and the countrymen once again..
Alien men with whom we share a city, but not a community
man bound to us in common dwelling, but not in common effort
We learn to share only a common fear
Only a common desire to retreat from each other
only a common impulse to meet disagreement with force

Our lives in this planet are too short
The work to be done is too great to let this spirit flourish any longer in this land of ours
Of course, we cannot banish it with a program nor with a resolution but we can perhaps remember,
if only for a time, that those who live with us are our brother, that they share with us the same short moment of life, that they s eek, as do we, nothing but the chance to live out their lives
in purpose and in happiness,
wining what satisfaction and fulfillment that the can
Surely, this bond of common fate
Surely, this bond of common goals
can begin to teach us something
Surely, we can learn at the least,
to look around at those of us, of our fellow men,
and surely, we can begin to work a little harder
to bind up he woun ds among us
and to become, in our hearts,
brothers and the countrymen once again..
Monday, April 7, 2008
(Mungkin) Kado yg Indah bwt Mama
Entah berapa tarikan nafas yg sudah keluar dari idung pesek ini. Begitu pula zat lain yg msh terus saja keluar. Berharap semuanya dapat menenangkan hati yg sudah mulai membaik. Satu, dua, tiga... semua berbicara tentang apapun untuk memperbaiki rasa sakit dari celah yang diambil secara paksa dari relung hati.
Sudahlah... Ini saat dimana pelataran itu ingin terus aku tapaki dan tak ingin menjauh. Terlampau lama aku memendam rasa iriku terhadap burung-burung itu. Cos the sparrow already has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself where she may have her young near his altar.
Dentingan Kawai, Yamaha, atau apapun itu melengkapi temaramnya rasa hati. Membuat rindu akan hangtnya dekaman erat sang bunda. Selamat ulang tahun, ma! Tak perlu melebutkan diri dalam perdebatan mengenai harganya. Sudahlah, aku mau menenangkan beragam kegelisahan tanpa berniat menempatkan salah paham di bagian ujungnya. Tenanglah hai jiwaku.
Yo te quiero tanto...
Sudahlah... Ini saat dimana pelataran itu ingin terus aku tapaki dan tak ingin menjauh. Terlampau lama aku memendam rasa iriku terhadap burung-burung itu. Cos the sparrow already has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself where she may have her young near his altar.
Dentingan Kawai, Yamaha, atau apapun itu melengkapi temaramnya rasa hati. Membuat rindu akan hangtnya dekaman erat sang bunda. Selamat ulang tahun, ma! Tak perlu melebutkan diri dalam perdebatan mengenai harganya. Sudahlah, aku mau menenangkan beragam kegelisahan tanpa berniat menempatkan salah paham di bagian ujungnya. Tenanglah hai jiwaku.
Yo te quiero tanto...
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